AQSIQ Allow imports Russian products of wheat, soybeans, corn, canola and rice include Kazakhstan production of wheat exports to the China market.
According to the results of the risk analysis, based on field visits, after consultation with Russia, Kazakhstan, inspection and quarantine departments, AQSIQ official with the relevant national administrations were signed.
Import Russia soybeans, corn, rice and inspection and rapeseed plants quarantine standards, legal basis:

Allows entry of the product name
Soybeans, corn and rice origin only Khabarovsk Krai, Primorsky Krai, Transbaikal Krai, Amur Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast.
Canola producing only Siberia and the Far East.
List of quarantine pests of concern
Soybean concern quarantine pests
1. Soybean northern stem canker pathogen Diaporthe phaseolorum var. Caulivora
2. soybeans Phomopsis seed rot bacteria Phomopsis longicolla
3. soybean blight pathogen Phytophthora sojae
4. alfalfa verticillium wilt fungus Verticillium albo-atrum
5. The Verticillium fungus Verticillium dahliae
6. bean wilt pathogen Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. Flaccumfaciens
7. Bean Halo Blight Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. Phaseolicola
8. Arabis mosaic virus Arabis mosaic virus
9. Southern bean mosaic virus Southern bean mosaic virus
10. Tobacco ringspot virus Tobacco ringspot virus
11. Tobacco streak virus Tobacco streak virus
12. Tomato ringspot virus Tomato ringspot virus
13. Bean as Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say)
14. The four Callosobruchus maculatus maculatus
15. Hard glitch bud chrysanthemum Acanthospermum hispidum
16. ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia
17. trifida Ambrosia trifida
18. The perennial ragweed Ambrosia ailostachya
19. Alor Kwai Anoda cristata
20. Cuscuta Cuscuta spp.
21. Euphorbia dentata Euphorbia dentata Michx
22. Lolium Lolium temulentum.
23. prickly sida Sida spinosa
24. Solanum rostratum Solaunm rostrarum
25. The split thorn eggplant Solanum triflorum
26. Sorghum Sorghum halepense.
On corn concerns quarantine pests
1. maize dwarf mosaic virus Maize dwarf mosaic virus
2. Grain Weevil Sitophilus granaries (L.)
3. Bean as Acanthoscelides obtectus
4. khapra beetle Trogoderma granarium Everts
5. Hard glitch bud chrysanthemum Acanthospermum hispidum
6. ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
7. trifida Ambrosia trifida L.
8. False oat Avena sterilis L.
9. Coast terrestris grass Cenchrus incertus
10. Centaruea repens L. creeping cornflower
11. Euphorbia dentata Euphorbia dentata Michx
12. Sorghum Sorghum halepense (L.)
13. thorn cocklebur Xanthium spinosum.
On Rice attention quarantine pests
1. khapra beetle Trogoderma granarium Everts
2. Grain Weevil Sitophilus granaries (L.)
3. Sesame Phoma blight pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina
4. Hard glitch bud chrysanthemum Acanthospermum hispidum
5. Coastal terrestris grass Cenchrus incertu
6. Sorghum Sorghum halepense (L.)
Rapeseed concern quarantine pests
1. oil stem canker Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. Et De Not.
2. The Verticillium fungus Verticillium dahliae Kleb.
3. cruciferous bacterial black spot disease Pseudomonas syringae pv. Maculicola (McCulloch) Young et al.
4. beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii Schmidt
5. spotted beetle (non-Chinese species) Trogoderma spp. (Non-Chinese)
6. bean weevil genus (non-Chinese species) Bruchus spp. (Non-Chinese)
7. Grain Weevil Sitophilus granaries (L.)
8. French wild oats Avena ludoviciana Durien
9. creeping cornflower Centaurea repens L.
10. The diffuse knapweed Centaurea diffusa Lamarck
11. Cuscuta Cuscuta spp.
12. Lolium Lolium temulentum L.
13. Sorghum (and their hybrids) Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (Johnsongrass and its cross breeds)
14. ragweed (genus) Ambrosia spp.
15. Solanum rostratum Solanum rostratum Dunal
16. North thorn Solanum Solanum carolinense L.
17. broomrape (genus) Orobanche spp.
Pre-shipment requirements
Management of origin
Russia should be growing soybeans, corn, rice and canola export areas according to international plant protection organizations concerned about the standard of the Chinese quarantine pest outbreak investigation conducted surveillance and monitoring records retention.
Russia should establish integrated pest management measures to reduce the occurrence degree of concern to China quarantine pests and to monitor soybean, maize, rice and rapeseed related industry implemented. At China request, Russia China should provide the above information.
Registration requirements
Russia exported to China for soybean, maize, rice and rapeseed export, warehousing enterprises registered, epidemic prevention measures to ensure compliance with the relevant conditions and the implementation of sifting dockage, etc., and prior to export to China registered enterprises export, warehousing registered enterprises submission of China. Registered in the list of animals and plants Division AQSIQ Web site updated in real time.
Russia engaged in the cultivation of grain storage enterprises of China, the Russian official phytosanitary agency shall apply for registration, inspection and quarantine and supervision to meet the above requirements. Russia has not yet been officially registered enterprises, as a transitional measure, in line with the General Administration of Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inspection and Quarantine import the relevant provisions of the previous test conditions, after passing the examination of the record companies continue to import conditions.
Storage and processing requirements
Russia exported to China to deal with the process of storage and processing of corn, rice, soybean and rapeseed quarantine supervision, to take all measures to reduce risk and prevent quarantine pests concern to China exported to China with soybean, corn, rice and rapeseed Incoming China. It must be free of live insects and intentionally added or mixed grain or other foreign matter.
Exported to China soybean, maize, rice and rapeseed should take appropriate measures for the effective removal of dockage is sieved soil, plant debris and weed seeds. In the processing, storage and transportation process, these products must not be mixed with products from other areas outside the areas listed in Article III of.
Exported to China soybean, maize, rice and rapeseed should be taken in bags or by special transport vehicles and transportation, to avoid transit spill. Transportation shall comply with the health and quarantine requirements.
Requirements prior to export
Before the transfer to China of soybean, corn, canola and rice exports, the China side will send experts to Russia to implement phytosanitary origin preflight inspection, examination and evaluation of the Russian soybean, maize, rice and rapeseed cultivation, storage, export phytosanitary system effective sex, Russia should assist China preflight inspection, to ensure the transfer to China of soybean, corn, rice and canola in line with Chinese import phytosanitary requirements.
If necessary, the two sides can negotiate jointly send technical experts in the field visits.
Export phytosanitary certificate requirements
Prior to export, Russia exported to China to deal with soybeans, corn, rice and canola quarantine. To meet the requirements of the Protocol, in accordance with international standards relating to Plant Protection Organization plant quarantine certificates issued, indicating corn, rice, soybean and rapeseed names and areas, and noted in the additional statement: The batch of corn, rice, soybeans Russia and rapeseed in line with corn, rice, soybean and rapeseed exported to China phytosanitary requirements of the Protocol (March 03, 2022, Beijing) requirements.
Russia should be provided in advance to the Chinese phytosanitary certificate sample, in order to identify and record verification.
AQSIQ requirements
Imported soybeans should comply with People’s Republic of China Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine Law and its implementing regulations, People’s Republic of China Food Safety Law and its implementing regulations, People’s Republic of China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law and its implementing regulations. required by law and regulations, relevant standards and regulations of People’s Republic of China agricultural genetically modified organisms safety regulations and so on.
1. Soybean, before maize, rice and rapeseed imports, the owner or his agent shall apply for AQSIQ animal and plant quarantine permit.
2. imports of soybean, corn, rice and rapeseed should meet the relevant conditions of entry for food designated ports of entry, and production and processing in the inspection and quarantine departments to appraise qualified processing plants.
About the certificate verification
1. Verification of phytosanitary certificates for compliance of the requirements of Article.
2. Verification of entry soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed whether accompanied by AQSIQ issued by theanimal and plant quarantine permit.
3. declared as GMO-free, check whether there is with the Ministry of Agriculture issued a genetically modified organisms safety certificate.
Entry inspection and quarantine and supervision
1. In accordance with entry-exit inspection and quarantine of food and feed management practices (General Order No. 7), Plant Inspection and Quarantine Handbook relevant chapter Imported container shipment Cereals spot inspection and quarantine rules (Trial), (State Quality moving [2007] 162) and other relevant provisions of the entry of soybean, corn, rice and rapeseed, quarantine inspection, in particular the requirements of Article IV of the implementation of targeted pest quarantine concern.
2. soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed entry for processing, may not be directly into the circulation market, prohibit use as planting. Imported soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed transport process to prevent the spill, transport, handling, storage, processing shall comply with the relevant Chinese phytosanitary and quarantine requirements, inspection and quarantine departments to do the inspection and quarantine supervision.
3. Follow the guide AQSIQ pest monitoring, inspection and quarantine departments should do the imports of Russian soybean, maize, rice and rapeseed carrying weeds and other foreign epidemic monitoring.
Does not meet the requirements of the process
1. The interception as the requirements of article listed quarantine pests concern to China, qualified by an effective pesticide treated granted entry. No effective pest elimination methods, the measures taken to be returned or destroyed the goods. Related costs borne by the exporter. Serious cases will be suspended from the relevant Russian export and warehousing companies, import-related export areas related to food until taken effective improvement measures.
2. as the detection of the other requirements of Article quarantine pests outside, then processed in accordance with relevant provisions of the People’s Republic of China Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine Law and its implementing regulations.
Other inspection and quarantine requirements
According to People’s Republic of China Food Safety Law and its implementing regulations, People’s Republic of China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law and its implementing regulations, relevant provisions of the People’s Republic of China agricultural genetically modified organisms safety regulations and other entry soybeans, corn, rice and rapeseed safety and health, genetically modified and other projects should be consistent with China relevant standards and regulations. Failure detection situation, should implement appropriate inspection and quarantine according to law.
AQSIQ will keep a file of applications of exporters who have submitted complete filing information. A list of filed exporters and agents with their names and countries / regions shall be generated by the AQSIQ registration management system and made public on AQSIQ website.
The application form accessible from the site is currently only available in Chinese. To help Foreign Food Exporters companies who wish to register themselves, the AQSIQ Association has prepared an unofficial translation of the application form. To receive a copy, please email to
Author: By on March 06th, 2022 – Update
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