
Decree 248 manufacturer registered

Overseas food processing plant and manufacturers required to submit application registration on GACC and AQSIQ start from January 01, 2022

According to AQSIQ and GACC Decree 248 Foreign food manufacturer and processing plant registration, All Foreign food producers are required to submit their company information online with the Bureau of Import and Export Food Safety of AQSIQ, General Administration of Customs China to application for a registration number.
This requirement comes into force with effect from January 01, 2022 and annually renewal in AQSIQ and GACC, to ensure the long-term validity of the registration number.


The Notice implies that any manufacturer / processing plant shall submit a filing application to AQSIQ and GACC before they food export to CHINA. manufacturer / processing plant shall fill and submit the application form of Food Export through the registration filing management system. Information, such as the manufacturer / processing plant name, country, area, address, contact name, telephone, food category, etc… needs to be submitted. After submitting the application, the manufacturer / processing plant will obtain a registration number by the AQSIQ and China Customs, so can based on the registration number to declare goods at China Customs.

Application Categories

Soft drinks and drinking wate, Sugar and sugar products, Finely processed food, Processed flavorings of plant origin, Other plant origin food, Canned foods, Different types Alcoholic beverage and Wine and whiskey etc, Pastry biscuits and crackers, Candied (preserved) Cigarette and cigar, Different tea, Other processed foods, Bird nest products, bee products, eggs and egg products, edible oils and fats, oilseeds, stuffed wheaten products, edible grains, milled grain industry products and malt, fresh and dehydrated, fresh vegetable Fruit or frozen fruit, dried beans, condiments, nuts and seeds, dried fruits, Coffee beans, cocoa beans and products thereof (including chocolate), foods for special dietary purposes, and health foods (excluding medicines).

Correct Application Procedures

GACC will keep a file of applications of manufacturer / processing plant who have submitted complete filing information. A list of filed manufacturer and processing plant with their names and countries / regions shall be generated by the AQSIQ registration management system and made public on AQSIQ and GACC website. The advantage of the Decree 248 registration number is that once it is approved by AQSIQ/GACC, The qualified products of the manufacturer will be preferentially purchased and entered into the purchase list of importers in China.

List of documents provided by the Food manufacturer:

  1. Photos of food production facilities and products packaging.
  2. Government issued Food Production facility approval document.
  3. Government issued company business name certificate.
  4. Food Processing flow chart.
  5. Application Form
  6. Applicant Statement of Compliance

Advance Reminder:

  • AQSIQ strongly recommends that applicant register directly and do not leave this application process to their importer or distributor. Importers require your registration number to complete China customs clearance. Should you change your distributor, or have multiple distributors, they may be reluctant to share your registration number and authorization password if circumstances change. The authorization password will be the only credential when you enter the GACC system to go through customs clearance procedures in China.
  • Beginning in 2023, the AQSIQ registration system is synchronously linked to the China Customs CIFER registration system, and a simple and fast application channel to opened for every applicant.
    The AQSIQ registration system is open to all 18 categories of product series under the 248/249 decree. Currently, the data submitted by the applicant is synchronized with the singlewindow CIFER registration system of China Customs.
  • For some applicants whose registration application is rejected due to the reasons of the application documents, they can submit the registration application again at AQSIQ. AQSIQ will guide the applicant to complete the registration according to the standard regulations, so that the applicant can obtain the manufacturers registration number as soon as possible.
    AQSIQ Application Steps for all applicants levels because AQSIQ uses a wizard-style registration process, which walks you through every step needed to connect your application to a separate approval. It allows overseas manufacturers to quickly obtain an approved registration certificate.
  • The China customs management system currently only available application form in Mandarin. For the overseas enterprise does not have a branch in China, to help overseas food manufacturer and processing plant companies who wish to register themselves, AQSIQ Association has prepared an English version of the application form, including detailed instructions and guidance for each application step. To start a registration process, please click on the below **Application**.

Overseas Manufacturer Registration

( H.S Code Category: GACC-I and GACC-II * Registration valid 5 years * Application Fee $ 980 – $1200 * Application time 4-5 weeks )

1. Step

Online or email
applicantion forms

2. Submit

documents + right way !

3. Approved

Get your certificate
not a long waiting.

** Application **

Application Now

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Register & Certification Process

Ms. Susei
Phone: +86 400-656-9988 # 1802
No. 9-1 Madian East Road Haidian District Beijing

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Mr. Li xiao
Phone: +86 400-656-9988 # 1803
No. 9-1 Madian East Road Haidian District Beijing

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