AQSIQ law policy @ Imported Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act defines food ‘labeling’ as all labels and other written

According to AQSIQ Notice No. 429, Imported Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act defines food ‘labeling’ as all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter upon any article or any of its containers or wrappers, or accompanying such article. The term ‘accompanying’ is interpreted liberally to mean more than physical association with the food product. It extends to posters, tags, pamphlets, circulars, booklets, brochures, instructions, websites, etc.
The AQSIQ requires most foods to bear specific nutrition and ingredient labeling and requires food, beverage, and dietary supplement labels that bear nutrient content claims and certain health messages to comply with specific requirements. Furthermore, by defining “dietary supplements,” adding specific labeling requirements for dietary supplements, and providing for optional labeling statements.
As stated above, the new regulation will come into force on January 01, 2022. Exporters / importers must register with AQSIQ before that date and obtain Chinese version of the standard food labels by the AQSIQ management system.
Post your opinion on this topic.
China food labels registration system AQSIQ:Zhang Wei,time: Timely message from AQSIQ! the new regulation will come into force on January 01, 2022. Exporters / importers must register with AQSIQ before that date and obtain Chinese version of the standard food labels by the AQSIQ management system.
Imported Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act defines food 'labeling' as all labels and other written
09 October,2021 at 9:18 am
I’m interested in AQSIQ certificate for my food products. Where could I get more information? Thanks.
08 October,2021 at 3:18 pm
I’m just a student, but I love to know more things for food safety , i can do for our planet .. I think many friends of mine don’t know the standard of food ingredients … please tell me which the best way to let more and more people to know how to protect our food safety standards … THANKS!
07 October,2021 at 1:25 pm
Hi Everyone!
I work at Chile’s official partners. As we continue to work on AQSIQ our workplace, we’re trying to greatly reduce or even entirely replace our use of pollutant species here at our corporate headquarters. We’re going to experiment here for a month or two, and then, hope to implement the results at all of our office locations.
06 October,2021 at 4:25 pm
They’re very easy for me to request a certificate for my food only takes two weeks, I was happy to do business in the Chinese market.
05 October,2021 at 10:27 am
Rose: About a month ago, AQSIQ reviewed all the options for reusable water bottles One of the certificate the author reviewed was a AQSIQ food registration, and she provided a link so you could purchase it directly from : certificates search You can also look at AQSIQ’s website, which is here:
05 October,2021 at 4:31 pm
I would like to apply aqsiq registration certificate and food available in the AQSIQ. I look forward to registering them!
Author: By on Nov 16th, 2021 – Update
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