
On July 10, Chinese Minister of Finance Liu Kun and Italian Finance Minister Tria co-hosted the first Sino-Italian Finance Ministers’ dialogue in Milan, Italy, and attended the China-Italy Financial Forum. Chinese Vice Minister of Finance Zou Jiayi accompanied and spoke.


Encourage their financial institutions to conduct financial business in both markets.

The two sides exchanged views on issues such as the global macroeconomic situation and global economic governance, Sino-Italian strategic cooperation, financial cooperation and financial supervision, and financial policy exchanges and cooperation.

The two sides reaffirmed the joint maintenance of free trade and multilateralism, promoted the improvement of global economic governance, and actively implemented the Memorandum of Understanding on the “One Belt, One Road” cooperation.

Through financing cooperation to support the “Belt and Road” and third-party market projects, and further strengthen financial market and financial regulatory cooperation, encourage their financial institutions to carry out financial business in both markets.

After the dialogue, Liu Kun and Tria met with the reporter and issued a joint statement.

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