
Download AQSIQ Certificate

( * AQSIQ Certificate Validity 12 months * Application Fee $150 * Application time 3-7 days )

AQSIQ Exporter Certificate

How Can I Download and Print My AQSIQ Certificate?

The valuable part of your electronic certificate is the unique, verifiable URL. However, it’s also nice to have a hard copy of your credential. Here we show you how to download and print your certificate.

Important Notes:

The download certificate feature is a 100% electronic credential service. We don’t send out paper copies of certificates. However, you can download and print your own certificate by following the steps in this article.


Certificate Information

In order to keep the registration number valid for a long time in China Customs, AQSIQ certificate holder Required to complete annual renewal with China customs.

Only accept JPG, PNG or PDF format files less than 800KB
AQSIQ registration certificate will be sent to this email address, please fill it carefully and reserve enough email box capacity.
We have found that some applicants have not been able to receive the certificate in time, because the address wrong or the emailbox capacity is full.

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