Feed Registration Approved List
Animal feed / Feed additive
Raw plant-based livestock feed (byproducts): Sorghum(feed-grade). Peas(feed-grade). Oats(feed-grade). Wheat bran. Cassava Dried and dregs. Palm kernel and meal. palm fat meal. Coconut meal. Plant-based feed additives. Fermented expanded soybean cake and meal. Food for pig. Feeding dairy products. Corn wine dregs. Beet pulp. Feed-grade wheat flour. Milled soybeans. Milled rapeseed. Corn ethanol byproducts. Milled sunflower seeds. Milled peanuts. Milled beets. Bran (cakes). illed palm. Powdered palm oil. Milled cottonseed. Milled coconut. Milled chili. Milled olives. Milled almond shell. Alfalfa grass. Oat forage. Timothy. Natural grass fodder.
No plant-derived feed ingredients (byproducts): Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, pet food, Harvest eggs, Squid liver powder, Antarctic krill bait, Shrimp feed (aquatic animal origin only), Fish meal and aquatic animal protein feed. Chicken, beef and mutton bone meal. Vitamin feed additives, Butter, suet.
Approved Country and Feed Products
Approved list of Asia
Approved countries | Feed products (Mandarin) | Feed products (English) |
Indonesia | 麦麸, 棕榈(仁)粕、棕榈脂肪粉, 椰子粕, 木薯渣 | Wheat bran, palm (kernel) meal, palm fat meal, coconut meal, Dried cassava (sliced), |
Thailand | 植物源性饲料添加剂, 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 宠物食品, 丰年虫卵, 木薯干(片), 木薯渣, 米糠粕(饼), 棕榈仁粕 | Plant-derived feed additives, Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, pet food, Harvest eggs, Cassava residue, Cassava dregs, Rice bran meal (cake), Palm kernel meal |
South Korea | 鱿鱼肝粉, 饵料用, 南极磷虾, 饲用蛋粉, 发酵豆粕 | Squid liver powder, Antarctic krill for feed, Egg powder feed, Fermented soybean meal |
North Korea | 活沙蚕(饵料),活河虾(饵料) | Living Nereis (bait), living river shrimp (bait) |
Taiwan, China | 虾苗饲料(仅含水产动物源性成份),鱼饲料(不含反刍动物源性成分),(发酵、膨化) 豆饼、粕,猪饲料(仅含乳源性动物成分),宠物食品 | Shrimp feed (aquatic animal origin only), Fish feed (excluding ruminant derived ingredients), (Fermented, puffed) bean cake, meal, Pig feed (milk-derived animal ingredients only), pet food |
Malaysia | 麦麸,棕榈(仁)粕、棕榈脂肪粉, 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 椰子粕 | Wheat bran, Palm (kernel) meal, palm fat meal, Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, Milled coconut |
Pakistan | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 菜籽粕 | Fishmeal and other aquatic animal protein, rapeseed meal |
Japan | 鱼饲料, 麦麸, 菜籽粕 | Fish feed, wheat bran, rapeseed meal |
Philippines | 宠物食品,椰子粕 | Pet food, coconut meal |
Kazakhstan | 丰年虫卵, 麦麸, 菜籽粕, 苜蓿草, 饲用小麦粉 | Harvest eggs, wheat bran, rapeseed meal, Alfalfa grass, Feed-grade wheat flour |
Myanmar | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 饲用豌豆 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, Peas (feed-grade) |
Vietnam | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 米糠, 饲用豌豆, 木薯干(片), 凉粉草 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, Rice bran, Peas (feed-grade), Dried cassava (sliced), Chinese mesona |
Laos | 木薯渣, 木薯干(片) | Cassava residue, Dried cassava (sliced) |
Cambodia | 木薯渣, 木薯干(片) | Cassava residue, Dried cassava (sliced) |
Hong Kong China | 猪油、猪油渣 | Lard, lard residue |
United Arab Emirates | 菜籽粕 | Rapeseed meal |
Singapore | 麦麸, 天然矿物质类 | Wheat bran, Natural minerals |
Mongolia | 麦麸, 马骨粉, 天然饲草 | Wheat bran, Horse bone meal, Natural forage |
Uzbekistan | 宠物食品 | PET food |
Approved list of Europe
Approved countries | Feed products (Mandarin) | Feed products (English) |
Netherlands | 饲用乳制品, 饲用油脂, 宠物食品, 饲用明胶, 饲用猪肠粘膜蛋白, 饲用豌豆 | Feed-grade dairy products, Oil Feed grease, pet food, Feeding gelatin, Feed pig intestinal mucosal protein, Peas (feed-grade) |
France | 乳清粉, 宠物食品, 麦麸, 饲用豌豆, 棕榈油 | Whey powder for feed-grade, pet food, Wheat bran, Peas (feed-grade), Palm oil |
Belgium | 宠物食品, 饲用豌豆, 天然矿物质类 | PET Food. Peas (feed-grade), Natural minerals |
Germany | 饲用乳清粉, 宠物食品, 甜菜粕, 单细胞蛋白类, Natural minerals | Whey powder for ffeed-grade, PET Food, Beet meal, Single cell protein, Natural minerals |
Denmark | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白,宠物食品, 大豆蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, PET Food, Soy Protein |
Russia | 丰年虫卵,鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 饲用燕麦, 豆粕, 菜籽粕, 葵花籽粕, 甜菜粕 | Harvest eggs, Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, Oats (feed-grade), Soybean meal, Rapeseed meal, Sunflower seed meal, Beet meal |
Switzerland | 营养性饲料添加剂(维生素类), 单细胞蛋白类 | Nutritional feed additives (vitamins), Single cell protein |
Spain | 饲料用猪肠粘膜蛋白, 苜蓿草, 猪血蛋白粉, 禽羽毛水解蛋白粉, 米糠, 单细胞蛋白类, 天然矿物质类, 宠物食品 | Feed intestinal pig mucosal protein, Alfalfa grass, Pig blood protein powder, chicken feather hydrolyzed protein powder, Rice bran, Single cell protein, Natural minerals, Pet food |
Ireland | 植物基马饲料 | Plant-based horse feed |
Serbia | 麦麸 | Wheat bran |
Czech Republic | 宠物食品, 混合饲料 | PET Food, Mixed feed |
Bulgaria | 苜蓿草, 玉米酒糟粕, 葵花籽粕 | Alfalfa grass, Corn distiller’s grains, Sunflower seed meal |
Italy | 宠物食品, 天然矿物质类, 苜蓿草 | PET Food, Natural minerals, Alfalfa |
Ukraine | 甜菜粕, 葵花籽粕, 菜籽粕 | Beet pulp, Sunflower seed meal, Rapeseed meal |
Hungary | 单细胞蛋白类 | Single cell protein |
United Kingdom | 单细胞蛋白类, 饲用豌豆, 饲用燕麦, 棕榈油 | Single cell protein, Peas (feed-grade), Oats (feed-grade), Palm oil |
Estonia | 单细胞蛋白类 | Single cell protein |
Iceland | 鱼粉/油 | Fish meal/oil, |
Norway | 鱼粉/油 | Fish meal/oil, |
Austria | 宠物食品 | Pet Food, |
Belarus | 饲用乳制品, 饲用豌豆 | Dairy products(feed grade), Peas (feed-grade) |
Poland | 饲用乳制品 | Dairy products for feed grade |
Romania | 苜蓿草 | Alfalfa grass |
Approved list of America
Approved countries | Feed products (Mandarin) | Feed products (English) |
United States | 饲用乳制品, 宠物食品,非反刍动物源性饲料,鱼粉等水产动物蛋白,丰年虫卵,玉米酒糟粕,苜蓿草,饲用高粱,饲用豌豆,饲用燕麦,梯牧草,苜蓿干草块和颗粒 | Feed-grade dairy products. Pet food. Non-ruminant feed. Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein. Harvest eggs. Corn wine dregs. Alfalfa grass. Wheat. Sorghum (feed-grade). Peas (feed-grade). Oats (feed-grade). Timothy. Alfalfa hay chunks and particles |
Chile | 鱼饲料, 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish food, Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Canada | 冷冻虾产品, 猪血浆蛋白粉, 菜籽粕, 苜蓿草, 梯牧草, 宠物食品 | Frozen shrimp products, Pig plasma protein powder, Rapeseed meal, Alfalfa grass, Tim grass, pet food |
Mexico | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 天然矿物质类, 饲用高粱 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, Natural minerals, Sorghum (feed-grade) |
Peru | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Brazil | 宠物食品, 天然矿物质类, 单细胞蛋白类 | PET food, Natural minerals, Single cell protein |
Argentina | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 宠物食品, 肉骨粉、血粉和饲用乳制品, 苜蓿草, 饲用豌豆, 豆粕 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, pet food, Meat and bone meal, blood meal and dairy products, Alfalfa grass, Peas (feed-grade), Soybean meal |
Uruguay | 肉骨粉 | Meat and bone meal |
Ecuador | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Panama | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Approved list of Oceania
Approved countries | Feed products (Mandarin) | Feed products (English) |
New Zealand | 鸡、牛、羊肉骨粉. 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白, 维生素类饲料添加剂, 宠物食品, 宠物食品生产用原料, 饲用豌豆 | Chicken, beef, mutton bone meal. Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein, Vitamin feed additives, pet food, Pet food production of raw materials, Peas (feed-grade) |
Australia | 牛油、羊油. 宠物食品, 麦麸, 燕麦饲草, 菜籽粕, 饲用动物蛋白, 饲用高粱, 饲用燕麦 | Butter, suet. pet food, Wheat bran, Oat forage, Rapeseed meal, Animal protein feed, Sorghum (feed-grade), Oats (feed-grade) |
Approved list of Africa
Approved countries | Feed products (Mandarin) | Feed products (English) |
South Africa | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Mauritius | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Sudan | 花生粕, 苜蓿草 | Peanut meal, Alfalfa grass |
Ethiopia | 菜籽粕 | Rapeseed meal |
Morocco | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Namibia | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Mauritania | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Congo | 鱼粉等水产动物蛋白 | Fish meal and other aquatic animal protein |
Correct Application Procedures
AQSIQ will keep a file of applications of manufacturer / exporters who have submitted complete filing information. A list of filed manufacturer and exporters with their names and countries / regions shall be generated by the AQSIQ registration management system and made public on AQSIQ and GACC website
Note: AQSIQ strongly recommends that applicant register directly and do not leave this application process to their importer or distributor. Importers require your registration number to complete China customs clearance. Should you change your distributor, or have multiple distributors, they may be reluctant to share your registration number and authorization password if circumstances change. The authorization password will be the only credential when you enter the GACC system to go through customs clearance procedures in China.
The User Manual accessible from the China customs site is currently only available in Mandarin. For the overseas enterprise does not have a branch in China, to help foreign of Feed products exporters companies who wish to register themselves, AQSIQ Association has prepared an English version of the application form, including detailed instructions and guidance for each application step. To start a registration process, please click on the below **Application**.
Feed Registration
( Registration valid 5 years * Application Fee US$ 875 * Application time 1-2 month )
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** Application **
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Register & Certification Process Service
Ms. Susei
Email: info@aqsiq.net
Phone: +86 400-656-9988 # 1802
No. 9-1 Madian East Road Haidian District Beijing

Certification Overseas Service
Ms. Christina
Email: christina@aqsiq.net
Phone: +1 (662) 448-3466
100 Duffy Avenue, Hicksville, New York 11801 USA